

Whilst the Centre’s administrative functions are based at the University of Newcastle, under the leadership of the Centre Director Centre operations and activities are directed and governed by an Executive Committee, Stakeholder Committee and two high-level advisory bodies – an Advisory Board and an International Advisory Panel. 

This diagram featured in the COEMinerals 2023 Annual Report 

Executive Committee

COEMinerals Executive Committee comprises the Centre’s Director, Deputy Director, COO, Communications lead, Node Leaders and Deputy Node Leaders. The Executive Committee is responsible for:

  • Developing and implementing the strategic plan
  • Allocation of resources, and research priorities and support
  • Implementing policies and/​or procedures on equity and diversity, outreach & communication and Code of Conduct etc.
  • Strengthening internal links across the Centre and external links with industry and prominent research centres around the world
  • Reporting on Centre performance and KPIs
  • Operation of sub-committees (including the Research, Future Leaders and Gender Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (GEDI) Committees)

COEMinerals Advisory Board (2023)

The COEMinerals Advisory Board provides advice and feedback on the Centre’s Strategic Plan, and where appropriate facilitates engagement and new opportunities:

Advisory Board Chair:

Professor Simon Biggs, Vice Chancellor and President, James Cook University, Australia

Other Advisory Board Members:
Professor Richard A. Williams, Vice Chancellor, Heriot-Watt University
Ms Denise Goldsworth AO, Chancellor, Edith Cowan University
Mr Andrew Hutchinson, General Manager, Critical Minerals Facilitation Office with the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Professor
Jacques Eksteen, Research Director of the Future Battery Industries CRC (FBICRC)

COEMinerals International Advisory Panel (IAP) (2023)

The IAP provides strategic advice to the Centre Executive with a view to assisting in the achievement of the Centre’s goals. The IAP reviews program reports as well as monitoring the progress and performance of projects being undertaken within the three Scientific Themes:

COEMinerals International Panel Chair: 

Professor Cyril O’Connor, Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Scholar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Other members:

Dr Martin Rudolph, Head of Department of Processing of Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HZDR/HIF), Freiberg, Germany

Silvia Cristina Alves França, Director Centre for Mineral Technology (CETEM)

Dr Barun Gorain, President and CEO Ore2Metal Inc

The Centre has several Committees that make up the governance of the Centre.

Centre activities are guided by a Strategic Plan, which is updated annually with input from Centre members, the International Advisory Panel and Advisory Board.

Board evolution in 2024

Centre Director Laureate Professor Kevin Galvin advised of an evolution in COEMinerals Board structure in 2024 (as shared in the COEMinerals 2023 Annual Report):

Over the Centre’s duration, we have enjoyed the support of some truly remarkable individuals, who have dedicated some of their valuable time as members of our Centre Advisory Board and International Advisory Panel. 

The two Boards have provided high-level independent advice guiding us to this point, but we saw a strong convergence between the functionalities of both, and it became increasingly obvious that we would benefit by aligning behind a singular Advisory Board. As a result, the International Advisory Panel formally disbanded in June; some members elected to retire, and others made themselves available for consideration when the new Advisory Board is formed. 

I especially thank our Chair, Professor Cyril O’Connor from the University of Cape Town, and Dr Barun Gorain, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ORE2METAL, Canada. I also want to thank Denise Goldsworthy, Chancellor Edith Cowan University, and Andrew Hutchinson from the Critical Minerals Facilitation Office for their stellar contributions to the Advisory Board.”